Recommended limits for various Squarespace elements

It's important to keep in mind the recommended limits for various elements of your website. These limits can impact the performance and speed of your website, and can also affect the user experience for your visitors.

Here are some of the recommended limits for different Squarespace elements, including pages, events pages, Fluid Engine sections, gallery sections, layout pages, page sections, portfolio pages, project pages, and store pages. By adhering to these limits, you can ensure that your website is running smoothly and efficiently.

Here are the recommended limits for various Squarespace elements:

  • Blog pages: There is no limit for the number of blog posts you can add to a blog page.

  • Events pages: You can add up to 350 events per month.

  • Fluid Engine sections: You can add up to 1000 grid rows.

  • Folders: Although there is no official limit, we recommend a maximum of 10 pages to keep drop-down menus manageable.

  • Gallery sections: You can add up to 250 images.

  • Layout pages: We recommend adding no more than 60 blocks per page. Pages with too many blocks may load and save slowly.

  • Page sections: Although there is no official limit, we recommend adding no more than 20 sections per page. Pages with too much content may load and save slowly.

  • Portfolio pages: You can add up to 60 sub-pages.

  • Portfolio sub-pages: We recommend adding no more than 60 blocks per sub-page. Sub-pages with too many blocks may load and save slowly.

  • Store pages: You can add up to 10,000 products.

All work in this guide is provided ?“AS IS”. Other than as provided in this agreement, this guide makes no other warranties, express or implied, and hereby disclaims all implied warranties, including any warranty of fitness for a particular purpose.

If you require professional advice, we recommend that you purchase the services of a developer.

Primitus Consultancy

We work with small and medium-sized businesses to help create a professional online presence. We provide a one shop full-service design studio in London, United Kingdom.

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