How to customise the style of the product quick view lightbox

This tutorial will show you how to customise the product quick view lightbox.  You may want to style your product quick view page to be in line with your branding or simply want to make your site attractive to users and wish to redesign the product quick view lightbox.

This will code will work on Squarespace 7.1.

Complexity: Easy

Step 1

To add a shadow to the quick product lightbox, simply go to the Design’ and then ‘Custom CSS’ and paste the below code..

.sqs-product-quick-view-content {box-shadow: 5px 5px 15px rgba(0,0,0,0.2)}
Shadow on quick product lightbox

Step 2

To add a border to the quick product lightbox, simply go to the Design’ and then ‘Custom CSS’ and paste the below code..

.sqs-product-quick-view-content {border: 1px solid purple; }
Border on quick product lightbox

Step 3

To change the background color of the quickview product lightbox, simply go to the Design’ and then ‘Custom CSS’ and paste the below code.

.sqs-product-quick-view-content {background:#f90}
Background color for quick view product lightbox

Step 4

To change the ‘Add to Cart’ button color of the quickview product lightbox, simply go to the Design’ and then ‘Custom CSS’ and paste the below code.

.sqs-product-quick-view-content .sqs-add-to-cart-button {background-color:#f90 !important}
Button color for quick view product lightbox

Step 5

To change the colour of the close X button color inside the quickview product lightbox window, simply go to the Design’ and then ‘Custom CSS’ and paste the below code.

.sqs-product-quick-view-lightbox-close-button line{stroke:#f90 !important}
Qick view close x button

Step 6

To change the colour of the overlay that shows up behind the background inside the quickview product lightbox window, simply go to the Design’ and then ‘Custom CSS’ and paste the below code.

.sqs-product-quick-view-lightbox.sqs-modal-lightbox .sqs-modal-lightbox-content .lightbox-background {background:#f90 !important; opacity:0.6}
Qucik view overlay colour

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If you require professional advice, we recommend that you purchase the services of a developer.

Primitus Consultancy

We work with small and medium-sized businesses to help create a professional online presence. We provide a one shop full-service design studio in London, United Kingdom.

Maximizing the Design Potential: A Guide to Crafting Stunning Websites on Squarespace


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